Ride in Kyushu Day 36 (20/1/19) Kumamoto Castle again 西南戦争熊本城包囲網

Kumamoto Castle Ruins 熊本城跡
Former Uchitauboi Residence of Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石 内坪井旧宅
Memorial place of Teizo Miyabe 宮部鼎蔵 住居跡
I thought I had recovered from cold last night and had good sleep as well. However, this morning, I found myself not well as last night and felt still dull. It is raining and not good at all for riding. Weather forecast says clear sky in the afternoon. I expect this happens, do that I can ride somewhere near.
昼食をとり、公園で仮眠して、少し楽になったので、体慣らしに少し自転車で熊本城に行くことにした。西南戦争で薩軍が熊本城を包囲したその場所に行ってどのように攻めようとしたのかを実際の現場を見たい。訪問レポートは先日熊本城を訪問した旅日記の部分に追加している。(1月14日 参照)
After taking lunch, I took nap 1-2 hours at park under clear sky as weather forecast. I feel better now to go riding. I’m going to visit several places where Satsuma army put battle bases surrounding Kumamoto Castle to attack during Seizan War (thaw last civil war in Japan 140 years ago). I will see real place and how they tried to attack Castle where Kyushu military base of government army.
Coincidently I found another former house of Soseki Natsume, where he was married and got first baby. He might spend happy days there. House is damaged by last earthquake and it is limited to access closer to house. But I could gain flavor of their life in Meiji era.
Another discovery of Memirial place of Teizo Miyabe, who is another great contributor in lastdays of Edo era and early age of Meiji era in reforming Japan. It is a little bit surprise to find so Many great contributors in Meiji Restoration.


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