Ride in Kyushu Day 35 (19/1/19) Former residence of Soseki Natsume / Jane’s Mansion 夏目漱石旧宅 / ジェーンズ邸

Former residence of Soseki Natsume 夏目漱石
Jane’s Mansion ジェーンズ邸
Still not well in the morning and stayed at cafeteria editing journal again. In the afternoon, I thought I’m getting better after taking tablets. However, sometimes I took headaches and fell dulled.

夏目漱石旧宅 Former residence of Soseki Natsume

Soseki Natume is one of famous and most popular novelist in Japan in Meiji era nearly 140 years ago. He stayed three years In Kumamoto as an English teacher in high school. He moved his houses 6 times by the request of her wife. He is well known as a hen pecked husband. At that time, he did not start writing novels.

ジェーンズ邸 Jane’s Mansion

ちょうどとなりに、ジェーンズ邸が移設されていたのだが、地震で完全に崩壊して、今は家の土台のみ残っている。瓦礫は全て保存されており、つなぎ合わせて移設して再建する事になったそうだ。3年かかる予定。国の重要文化財なので新しい材料は使えないらしい。再建の事業費は約5億6800万円。これも規定なので仕方ないのかも知れないが、それほどの金をかけて再建する意味があるのだろうか? 新しい材料で、元の形のものにしてもいいのでは無いか? 瓦礫を使ったものと新しいもので、見る人にとり何が違うのか疑問。重要文化財で無くなっても良いと思う。観光客は何を観に行くのか? 物自体を見に行くのか、そこで起こった事を感じる為か。後者の方が意味がある。このジェーンズ邸で伝えたい事は二つだろう。ジェーンズがプロテスタントの熊本バンドは彼の教え子達で、日本のプロテスタントの歴史に大きな影響を与えた事、それと、ここが日本赤十字の発祥の所縁地だった事だ。明治9年まで熊本で唯一の外人教師ジェーンズは熊本洋学校で英語を教えていたが、熊本バンドの結成に対して熊本の保守派の反発を招き、熊本洋学校が閉鎖され帰国、その後、明治10年に西南戦争が起こる。田原坂の戦いの終結後、有栖川宮熾仁親王(ありすがわのみやたるひとしんのう)の宿舎に使われ、ここで、佐野常民の博愛社の創設が許可された。それで、日本赤十字社の発祥の地となっている。明治19年からは日赤熊本県支部として使われていた。
Jane was invited as an English teacher at the same high school where Soseki Natsume taught. (Not same time) He introduced Protestant to Kumamoto students at school. His students formed Kumamoto Protestant group called as “Kumamoto Band” with evangelical influence to other areas in Japan. Jane’s residence was completely destroyed by Kumamoto earthquake.
Kumamoto City has decided to reconstruct the same using the same materials destroyed. This was a national heritage. One of the criteria to be a national heritage is maintain the original conditions including materials. Thus, in order to maintain the status of national heritage, they have decided to use the same materials. They say it will take three years to rebuild it with approx. US$ 5M. It seems ridiculous for me to spend such amount just keeping the status. Probably it’s OK to build the same with new materials with much lower costs. Very few people care if that is rebuilt with original materials. People gets the experience of history what happened there and influence to successive eras and less important if it’s original or not. I recall people in Tohoku making the best effort and also struggling to rebuild their life itself. They have no luxury to take care of heritages. This is the big difference between Kumamoto and Tohoku where the big earthquake stroke them. Defenitive difference is Tsunami which Tohoku suffered incredibly. Earthquake destroys building but Tsunami destroys whole life. Still I remember several conversations with Earthquake victims. What happed there were so depressed but survivors are so impressive.


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