Ride in Kyushu Day 57 (10/2/19) (not completed)

Sakurajima Island 桜島
Visit to Sakurajima island today. I declined to visit there yesterday due to bad weather yesterday. Today is shiny clear sky day, good for rides.
Took boat to Sakurajima port by only 20 minutes, much more comfortable than Tokyo metro. Boats are operated every 15 minutes.
Went to Visitor center, who recommended me to ride in anti-clock way, which gives more steeply up and down route in the first half and more flat in latter half. Started the ride according to their recommendation. There are lots of lava rocks along seashores.
Took lunch of rice balls made by myself last night and Satsuma-age, typical local foods bought in superstore. I took lunch in this way not to waste time to find the first food shops. When I was eating, 4cats came to me asking foods. I spent some time with them sharing lunch.
Sakurajima is active volcano still showing smoke. Found nice view sites, from where different faces of Sakurajima can be seen.
In last 100 years, it erupted intensive and strongly three times. (Lots of eruptions before that.) The first eruption in 1914 made island connected to Kyushu by lava.  Every time it erupted, island expanded its land by lava.
The third and last eruption happened in 1946. There is buried shrine gate maintained as a memory of disaster. Valcanic ashes was 2 meter height ina day.
After passing that area and riding in the north part of island, volcanic ashes were falling like hails. Those hit to my faces and bags were covered by ashes.
Round ride took 5 hours for 35 km visiting many places.


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